7 events found.
Week of Events
WRLS General Planning Meeting
WRLS General Planning Meeting
The General Planning Committee, which consists of all Living Sober volunteers, Subcommittee Co-Chairs, and Subcommittee members; is our basic decision making body, and will act as the group conscience of Living Sober. The General Planning Committee will meet at least monthly during the planning year, and as needed. It is a hybrid meeting mostly meeting...
Accessibility Committee Meeting (Online)
Accessibility Committee Meeting (Online)
WRLS: Accessibility Meeting (4th Wednesday at 7pm) Location:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89141177960
Al-Anon Committee Meeting
Al-Anon Committee Meeting
Come to our Al-Anon Committee meeting for Living Sober! And please add guests aka more volunteers at any time. :) Agenda here. Zoom link here.