We invite you to explore our history. Since 1976 Western Roundup Living Sober has provided a sober environment for all LGBTQIA+ members of the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship. On this page we have put together a gallery of our banners through the years, downloadable PDFs of our conference programs (coming soon), and an excerpt from our Purpose & Intent Resolution – and a link to download the full document.

Do you have something you wish to add to our archive? Please let us know by contacting us here.

Living Sober Logo & Banner Gallery

Each year the Western Roundup Living Sober Art Committee puts out a call for entries for fellowship members to submit a logo for the year’s conference. The Committee then presents the submissions to the General Planning Committee who votes on the winner. Once a logo has been selected and modified as necessary to fit the year’s colors, it is used on all promotional materials for the conference, including a banner which hangs among the others at each year’s Living Sober conference. We’ve put together a gallery of most of our banners from previous years, including the first one from 1976.

Purpose & Intent Resolution

Our Mission Statement

The purpose and intent of Living Sober is to celebrate our sobriety at an annual conference to be held in San Francisco, California, and known as Western Roundup / Living Sober of San Francisco.

Living Sober will provide a sober environment for the full diversity of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual or LGBTQIA+ communities within the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous; our purpose is to support individual sobriety and maintain unity.

It is our intent to provide services so that the conference is accessible to all.”

Living Sober will structure its activities within the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and the AA Guidelines for Conferences and Conventions. To this end, the Living Sober General Planning Committee will each year approve a conference budget with an affordable registration fee. It is our intent to provide services so that the conference is accessible to all. It is our hope to adequately address the needs for those with a lack of funds.


Listen to the speakers from conferences past…

Dee H – Living Sober 2023 – Geographic Countdown Meeting

Ken J – Living Sober 2023 – Geographic Countdown Meeting

Madison K – Living Sober 2023 – Sunday Closing Meeting

Angel F – Living Sober 2023 – Sunday Closing Meeting