First 2023 General Planning Meeting – July 17, 2022
Hey now,
Please come to General Planning meeting Sunday. 7/17/2022 at 3:00pm.
Tomorrow will be the beginning of shaping the 2023 conference. We need community energy and input to make the conference a community event.
If you hated the conference, hated the venue, hated the speakers (doubt that), hated the entertainment (double doubt that), hated the policies that were implemented, hated the votes that changed the course and type of conference — or, like me, you loved loved loved this years sisterly brotherly otherly conference:
Don’t be a love in name only or tongue wagging anti-Western Roundup Living Sober-y: come to GP and nominate your bestie, your sponsee, or yourself to be part of next years planning sub-committee chairs. Voting helps, you can help shape the conference by attending the GP meetings every month!!!!
I will be attempting later today or by General Planning Committee start time to put together a simple scare free description of each of the sub-committees responsibilities.
Can’t make it? 🧐 You can let me or your support team know what you want in on and we’ll make sure your name is thrown in the hat 🤠 for the service commitment of a lifetime.💥 🌈💥
We really need you to be a part of the conference community input and it starts by you being at the first general planning meeting of 2023.
In service,