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Week of Events
WRLS relationship with Al-Anon
WRLS relationship with Al-Anon
Western Roundup Living Sober is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: WRLS relationship with Al-Anon Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime Join Zoom Meeting: 554 238 2129 Password: 614789
WRLS 50 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
WRLS 50 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting
Location TBD: Please reach out to [email protected] if you're interested in joining this meeting
Accessibility Committee Meeting (Online)
Accessibility Committee Meeting (Online)
WRLS: Accessibility Meeting (4th Thursday at 6:30pm) Location: https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/82510938462?pwd=eWRSUFkzTklQM3pXMVNld0c3Z2hMdz09