Program Committee Living Sober 2019

Castro Country Club 4058 18th St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Please come to the Living Sober Monthly Program Committee meeting. This meeting is held on the second Saturday of each month at the Castro Country Club. Please contact Eric A for more information.

Information Committee Living Sober 2019: Monthly Meeting

Castro Country Club 4058 18th St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Please join us for the Living Sober Monthly Information Committee meeting. This meeting is held on the second Saturday of each month. Please contact Pamela R. at for more information.

General Planning Meeting

California Pacific Medical Center Davies Campus , United States

The General Planning Committee meets monthly to plan the Western Roundup Living Sober yearly conference. Everyone is welcomed. All members of AA, Al-anon, and related 12-Step programs are encouraged to attend and participate in the general planning of the Western Roundup Living Sober conference and associated events and activities! Join us! Note: We meet in...

Spring Fling 2019! A Western Roundup Living Sober Event

Harvey Milk Civil Rights Academy 4235 19th Street, San Francisco, CA, United States

It's the sexy, sultry, silly, and sober Spring event of the Season!   Come for the fellowship, stay for the Drag. Hosted by the fabulous Minnie HappyReturns and the amazing LayBelline, come see the Queens of Living Sober slay the stage in a way that would make any newcomer want to Shantay and Stay! 6:00 pm...

General Planning Monthly Session

Wester Roundup Living Sober General Planning Meeting Every month on the Third Sunday 03:00 PM Pacific Time Meeting ID: 831 1208 8755 One tap mobile+16699006833,,83112088755# US (San Jose)+14086380968,,83112088755# US (San Jose)Dial by your location        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)        +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose) ...



Join us for a FABULOUS evening of sober fellowship and fun to bring in the new year at Western Roundup Living Sober’s Sober Lounge!!! 7PM Doors open 8PM AA Meeting with Al-Anon participation (Hybrid) 9PM Cards, Games, Fellowship, Sweets and Snacks 12PM Welcome 2022 Raffle Prizes Galore! Proof of Vaccination and Masks are required.